Niles High School in dire need of funds to replace concert robes

Published 9:44 am Tuesday, November 21, 2017

While the music the Niles High School concert choir sings was created to withstand the test of time, the more than 50-year-old concert robes they wear twice a year were not. 

With many of the robes showing their age, Daysha Amster, a Ring Lardner assistant teacher and choreographer, wanted to do something about it.

Amster has initiated a Go Fund Me page to replace approximately 65 of the robes — one for each student enrolled in concert choir. Pegged at $130 a piece, about $8,450 will need to be raised for robes.

Amster created the page Monday after noticing the need to replace the robes while working with Matt Hunckler, the choir director who teaches at Niles High School, Ring Lardner and East Side Connections.

Though Amster said Hunckler diligently cares for the robes and has them dry-cleaned before performances, each robe has some sort of damage that is noticeable.

“Aside from being dated, the zippers are not functioning well or at all anymore,” Amster said. “Our kids deserve to have the proper uniform attire necessary for their performances. They also need to feel that what they do is considered important by their community.”

At least one Niles business has also offered to help. From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, Wings Etc. will donate 10 percent of sales to the cause. Customers must use a coupon that can be found on the Niles Booster Club Facebook page to contribute to the fundraiser. Coupons can be scanned electronically. The proceeds will exclude money spent at the bar.

“All you have to do is eat,” Amster said.

Amster took additional measures to help raise funds for the robes, while also seeking to bolster community support of the arts. Amster helped to re-start the Niles Choir Boosters Club, which will continue to search for fundraising opportunities. However, during the first meeting, no one showed up.

Amster is an alumna of the Niles High School choir and said she was saddened to see the lack of support and hopes that spreading the word will encourage people to join.   

“I am also helping get the boosters club up and running in hopes that we can gain more parent involvement,” Amster said. “It is clear that the choir is in need of positive change and attention.”

The next booster meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7 in the choir room at Niles High School, 1441 Eagle St. in Niles. To join, contact Amster at

Amster also applied for a grant through the Niles Education Foundation to cover some of the cost. 

Amster asked the community to give whatever they can to help raise money for the new robes, whether grabbing a bite to eat at Wings Etc. on Tuesday, Nov. 28, or donating a few dollars via Go Fund Me.

“The choir department needs you,” Amster said. “Our choir can be just as strong as our community. It can be just as strong as any athletic squad.  I know everyone wants to see our choir department alive and well again. Be the change.”

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The Go Fund Me page:

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