Local DAR learns about the national flower from state regent

Published 9:35 am Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Captain Samuel Felt Chapter co-hosted a meeting with Abiel Fellows Chapter, of Three Rivers, and the Rebecca Dewey Chapter, of Three Oaks at Wakelee Methodist Church on Nov. 13. The special speaker was Michigan Society State Regent Diane M. Schrift.

Schrift gave a PowerPoint presentation, “A Salute to the American Spirit,” about the national flower, the rose. In keeping with the theme of the American spirit, Schrift focused on roses with names reflective of American heritage, such as: “Liberty Bell”, “Memorial Day,” “Old Glory,” “Veteran’s Honor,” “Silver Star” and the unique “Fourth of July” which looks like an exploding fire cracker.

The rose was signed into law as the national flower in 1986 by President Ronald Reagan. The rose was chosen because it “evokes memories, emotions and patriotic relevance.”

Schrift’s garden has more than 150 different roses. She even suggested to those in attendance that instead of giving a flag, maybe giving a rose as a national symbol would be welcome.