Berrien County Sheriff’s deputies complete training

Published 9:33 am Monday, November 20, 2017

Berrien County Sheriff’s Office Deputies Mark Boelcke and Ryan Streelman recently completed the local corrections officer training academy at Kalamazoo Valley Community College.

Mark Boelcke

Ryan Streelman

The four-week academy offers a comprehensive, interactive instruction program in various disciplines for local correction officers. Training topics include custody and security, defensive tactics, first aid (including CPR and AED procedures), suicide awareness, fire safety and interpersonal communications.

The academy, certified by the Michigan Sheriffs’ Coordinating and Training Council, is an important element of providing the necessary skills for maintaining a safe, secure environment for correction officers, inmates and county residents.

“I want to congratulate these Deputies for their effort in completing this vital training.  The skills learned at this academy will help them safely and effectively manage our inmate population,” said Sheriff L. Paul Bailey. “The training helps our deputies develop and practice the tools necessary to be successful in this high stress environment.”