Trump is sabotaging American health care

Published 10:06 am Friday, October 6, 2017

Donald Trump is actively sabotaging the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), a law that has enabled many millions of people to purchase affordable health insurance.

Recent moves he has made include reducing the budget of those assisting enrollment in ACA by 90 percent, having the Department of Health and Human Services produce videos that undermine public support of the ACA, reconfiguring the HHS website to inhibit access to enrollment information, reducing marketplace outreach by 90 percent and announcing plans to reduce the hours the exchange is available during open enrollment.

Trump has continually claimed that Obamacare is failing, which is not true. Usually, he does not concern himself with such falsehoods, but in this instance he has initiated a scorched earth campaign to try and make it true.

All his sabotage is a major factor in driving up the cost of health insurance.

I wonder if he has a goal as to how many families and lives he will ruin by denying people access to healthcare. I also wonder how many of those affected by his vindictive wrath voted for this narcissistic charlatan.

Polling has repeatedly shown that most Americans want the ACA to succeed. Trump clearly wants it to fail.

Please contact your senators and representative and strongly urge them to vote for legislation to save, and improve, the Affordable Care Act.

Gretta Van Bree

Lincoln Township