Infant Safe Sleep Awareness month puts focus on preventing infant deaths

Published 10:44 am Thursday, September 14, 2017

Berrien County — Infant deaths due to unsafe sleep are still a leading cause of death among babies less than one year old in Michigan, and they are 100 percent preventable.

Had caregivers been educated on and practiced safe sleep, those children would be learning to walk, talk and attending preschool today. During September, nationally designated as infant Safe Sleep Month,  the Berrien County Health Department reminds parents and caregivers to protect babies from suffocation and other sleep-related risks.

Sleep-related infant deaths are those where the baby’s sleep environment was likely to have contributed to the death. Babies can easily suffocate while sleeping in an adult bed, sharing a bed with an adult or child, sleeping on furniture, or sleeping with pillows, cushions, and blankets.

From 2010-2015, there were 24 sleep-related infant deaths in Berrien County —  a number that places the county’s sleep-related infant death rate (2.2 deaths per 1,000 live births) higher than the State of Michigan’s (1.3 deaths per 1,000 live births).

“We are striving to save babies’ lives and make Berrien County a place for infants to not only survive but thrive,” said Nicki Britten, MPH, Health Officer, Berrien County Health Department.  “All babies should always be placed to sleep on their backs, never on their sides or tummies. The loss of these babies is a tragedy, particularly since such deaths are preventable.”

In observance of Infant Safe Sleep Month, the Berrien County Health Department has partnered with Lakeland Health to provide safe sleep packages for every new baby born at a Lakeland hospital during the month of September.

The safe sleep packages given to each family contain educational materials to teach parents about the importance of providing a safe sleep environment for their child, small gifts for the new baby, and materials for the family to share with other caregivers to ensure that their new baby will always have a safe place to sleep regardless of who is caring for him or her.

The Berrien County Health Department, in accordance with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, encourages that everyone follows these basic infant safe sleep practices:

• Infants should be placed to sleep on their backs.

• Use a firm sleep surface and firm mattress covered only with a fitted sheet.

• Remove soft objects and loose bedding from the crib (no pillows, quilts, comforters, stuffed toys, bumper pads, or other soft objects).

• Do not have your baby share a bed with parents or older children.

  Avoid allowing the baby to become overheated.

• Encourage “tummy-time” when the baby is awake.  Supervised tummy time helps build strong neck and shoulder muscles.

• Make sure everyone caring for the baby knows these guidelines, including babysitters, friends and family members.

There are many resources available to the general public, parents, families, professionals, and caregivers of infants. Visit or for more information.