The American dream should be open for all

Published 9:58 am Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I recently found a certificate registering my grandmother in the Statue of Liberty’s Immigrant Wall of Honor.

My Italian grandparents immigrated here from Italy around 1920.

We always say that America has a long tradition of welcoming immigrants. But we also have a long tradition of treating immigrants with open discrimination and even violent hostility.

More than 4 million Italians immigrated to the U.S. between 1890 and 1920. In the early 1920s, Italians were portrayed in the U.S. media as ignorant and lazy.  Foreigners in general were feared and vilified.

Today, Hispanic immigrants and Muslim refugees experience discrimination. President Donald Trump’s comments have legitimized discrimination against both of these groups.

I certainly agree we need to strengthen our borders to prevent illegal immigration, and we must get a handle on those individuals arriving and staying here illegally on expired visas. But it’s time to stop blaming immigrants for all our country’s problems, and it’s certainly time to stop encouraging hatred and discrimination toward Hispanics and Muslims.

According to the Center for American Progress, 1.8 million children of undocumented immigrants are eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Approximately 800,000 “Dreamers” have registered for the program.

Eighty percent of Dreamers have jobs, while 75 percent are in higher education. They paid $2 billion in taxes last year.

The Center for American Progress estimates ending DACA would result in the U.S. losing $460.3 billion from the nation’s GDP and removing 685,000 workers from the economy.

I urge everyone to call on Congress to develop a comprehensive immigration bill that gives undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship. Most certainly, we need to preserve the DACA program to give the 800,000 “Dreamers” the ability to stay here, get an education and become productive citizens.

My grandmother’s certificate says that those visiting Ellis Island will recognize America’s dream of hope, freedom and opportunity for all. Let’s get Congress to ensure that happens for the “Dreamers”.

Ken Peterson
