Murder victim’s vehicle found abandoned in corn field

Published 10:00 am Friday, August 18, 2017


Investigators have uncovered the vehicle that was reported missing Sunday evening, following the shooting of Carla Lewis at her residence 1429 Lawndale Ave. in Niles Township.

On Thursday night, police uncovered the 2008 Mazda CX-9 with Michigan registration (CMY 3721) abandoned in a corn field off of Yankee Street in Cass County, according to Berrien County Undersheriff Charles Heit.

The vehicle is suspected to be connected to Carla’s murder and was reported missing the evening of Aug. 13, when Carla’s husband, John Lewis told cops that two unidentified suspects unlawfully entered their home, shot his wife and then fled in the victim’s car.

Lewis was arrested for noncompliance for medical marijuana laws. He was charged this week with manufacturing a controlled substance and first-degree premeditated murder.

Heit said police are still searching for those who may have been involved in the crime and have since found John’s story to not be totally verifiable.

“The story of the two suspects we do not find credible, but it does not mean that no one else was involved,” Heit said. “We are still looking for possible other involvement.”

The vehicle has been impounded and investigators are working to retrieve any evidence from the vehicle or its contents.  The incident remains under investigation and more information will be provided as it becomes available.

Police thanked the public for their efforts in helping to recover the vehicle. They have asked for the community’s continued support and information as this investigation continues.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Berrien County Sheriff’s Office Detective Bureau at (269) 983-7141 extension #7224 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-342-STOP (7867).