Assault rifles have no place on our country’s streets

Published 9:26 am Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The recent deplorable shooting at the Congressional House baseball practice was carried out by a man with a history of domestic violence, and who used a semi-automatic assault weapon. 

We know individuals who have behaved violently in the past are more likely to be violent in the future. The continued availability of military assault weapons increases the probability that questionable individuals can obtain them, which seems to be the case in this instance. 

Stronger background checks that are referenced both at the state and cross-referenced at the federal level may well have prevented this terrible event.

The weapon and ammunition used in the baseball field shooting were designed to produce fragmented wounds, which complicate medical procedures to repair extreme tissue damage. Multiple operations have been necessary to treat Rep. Scalise’s injuries. 

Fortunately, he and other victims, including the heroic officer who may have saved his life, will recover from their wounds.

In many other shootings, the injuries could not be treated and the victims have died.

Our legislators have done nothing to either reduce the proliferation of the assault weapons and ammunition, or to tighten background checks to stop unstable individuals from purchasing them.

It is past time to recognize that such weapons have no place for use on the streets of America. To accept anything less than this standard invites unstable individuals to fulfill their impulsive or demented illusions, causing injury or death to innocent citizens.

Please urge your elected officials to take immediate action to reduce gun violence with basic common sense laws at both the state and federal levels.

Cynthia Miller

Benton Harbor