Dowagiac chamber unveils new website

Published 11:50 am Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Greater Dowagiac Chamber of Commerce has unveiled its new interactive mobile website, which is the second product of a branding campaign that also resulted in the organization’s new and colorful logo, depicting both Dowagiac and its neighboring Sister Lakes.

Holt Bosse, a full-service marketing firm from St. Joseph, was hired in 2016 to guide the organization in the development of the new logo and website.

Kim MacGregor, chamber of commerce president and a financial advisor for Edward Jones, said the Board of Directors elected to retire the “Grand Old City” image, developed in the early 1990s, when the City of Dowagiac and its downtown development authority developed the Front and Depot Drive streetscape projects. The new logo depicts a broader image of the community, Dowagiac’s central business district and its neighboring Sister Lakes.

“Holt Bosse is best known for its traditional, yet experiential marketing approach to enhance customers and increase word of mouth advertising,” MacGregor said.

Working in conjunction with Katie White from Holt Bosse was a committee comprised of MacGregor and chamber program director Vickie Phillipson, along with Trisha Hunt, also of Edward Jones, and chamber past president Dr. Tim Dowsett.

White said the website,, was designed to enhance navigation and mobility, while also updating the look and technology of the former site, which was created nearly 15 years ago.

“Our committee, which was diverse in age, brought together different styles, that were then paired with Holt Bosse’s up-to-date technology,” MacGregor said.  “We discussed flow, benefits to our members, including click throughs to member websites and, most importantly, how we wanted to package information for first-time visitors to the site and to Dowagiac. We left behind a lot of verbiage, created more pictures and made it user friendly.”

Phillipson said one of the most important differences between this and the former website is the added technology, which now allows staff to update information and photos in house, rather than relying on a second party to do so.

“As such, the public will find an ever-changing website,” Phillipson said. “We added several photos, featuring member businesses and a community calendar, where chamber member businesses can submit information on their upcoming sales and in-house events.”

Phillipson said members who would like to submit photos to accompany their website listing may do so by emailing it to her at  PayPal has also been added to the site, allowing members to pay their annual dues online, while visitors to the website can also purchase items from Whistlestop Gifts.