Let’s talk about healthy eating

Published 8:40 am Monday, June 12, 2017

Let’s talk about food.

Now, I’m no licensed dietician or certified nutritionist, but I am a “wanna be.” I am a fitness professional and health coach, and I can give my best stab at helping you plate up healthy, delicious and balanced meals.

I practice living a healthy lifestyle and encourage others to give it their best shot, too, by eating smart and being aware of food intake.

I love food. Who doesn’t, right?

Let’s take a look at how we can enjoy the seasonings and spices. The sweets, sours and salted. Also the volume and fulfilment, without all the guilt and calorie consumption.

There’s trends, fads, cleanses and supplements. There’s low fat, low carb, no sugar, high protein, smoothies and juices.

How do you know what to eat, what not to eat and what’s really healthy for you?

Let’s turn our appetite for food into a craving for knowledge. There are an abundant amount of resources on myplate.gov.

This site will help you properly serve up dishes that are balanced and recommended per government standards for weight management and optimal health. 

I encourage people to plan meals and snacks, purchase wholesome ingredients, prepare as much as possible, enjoy cooking, eating good food and savor the flavors and the experience.

Drink plenty of H2O throughout the day.

Don’t forget to eat your veggies and save room for a smart, but none-the-less mouth watering, dessert.

Lacey Peters is the fitness director at the Niles-Buchanan YMCA, as well as a life coach and overall fitness enthusiast. Above all, she believes in optimal well-being and life balance. She can be reached at lpeters@nb-ymca.com