Volunteer of the Week: John Grinnell, Niles Kiwanis Club

Published 10:36 am Wednesday, June 7, 2017

John Grinnell, of Niles, is a retired certified personal accountant and a founding member of the Niles Kiwanis Club. He currently serves as treasurer with the service organization, and is a previous past president. Grinnell is currently recruiting new members to join the club.

How long have you been a member of Kiwanis Club?

We started in 2003 and I have been a charter member ever since, so for about 14 years.

What are some of the activities you guys do in the club?

John Grinnell

We try to support the community. Our focus is on children, like the Optimist Club. We gave a lot of individual contributions over the years. We have given more than $45,000. We started a high school Key Club, which has the same mission as the Kiwanis Club, but at a high school level. They do volunteer work and are supposed to raise money. We used to send them to leadership conferences every year. We also provide scholarships to Key Club members, which we have done every year. Our biggest focus lately has been giving boots to children in need of those in the winter, to Niles, Brandywine, Buchanan elementary schools. We give around 100 boots every year.

We also do service projects. The main one is ringing bells for the Salvation Army every winter. We do that for about four days.

How many members do you have in the club at the moment?

Right now, we have about 12.

Approximately how many new members is the club looking to recruit?

As many as we can get. We would like to get some younger people involved. We are trying to get some people who are interested in helping us with specific fundraising or service projects. Like we could ask someone to help us sell 20 tickets for a fundraiser, but they wouldn’t have to officially join the club.

What is the biggest thing you have personally gotten out of volunteering with the club?

I just like to volunteer to give back the community. I have lived here all my life, and I want to give back. I volunteered even when I was still working. I enjoy volunteering, and I enjoy the members we have at the Kiwanis Club. We have all developed a good friendship. It’s been great.

How often does the club meet?

We meet every Thursday at noon, at the Hob Nob [1109 S 11th St., Niles].

If someone wants to join, what is the best way to so?

Just show up to the meeting or give me a call, at (269) 684-2851, or email me at johngrinnell@comcast.net.

Is there anything you want to say to encourage people to join?

If they like children and they like giving back to community, they should come and join us.