Upton a no-show for healthcare town hall
Published 10:52 am Friday, June 2, 2017
Last night’s (May 26) health care town hall was held in St. Joe Michigan and Fred Upton, my District 6 representative was the guest of honor.
Sadly for the audience, which consisted of predominantly senior citizens who had braved the weather for the chance face-to-face with Fred, the empty chair was a painful reminder of the disconnect felt by a growing number of his constituents.
Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, physician and public health director, gave folks like me, the pre-existing, the sick, the elderly and most vulnerable, a chance at one of two microphones to ask questions, which he answered in a transparent and respectful manner.
As I told my story of my daughter’s condition, I saw a man remove his glasses, take out a handkerchief and sob.
As the event ended, I felt great comfort in knowing that there are a growing number of people just like me, who are actively taking an interest in healthcare policy, with or without our elected official present.