Athlete Showcase: Dowagiac’s Makenna Gaideski

Published 9:01 am Friday, March 24, 2017

Makenna Gaideski is a freshman on the Dowagiac varsity softball team.


What has been one of your greatest accomplishments as an athlete?

MG: Making varsity softball as a freshman.


What has been one of your biggest disappointments as an athlete?

MG: None.


What has been a hardship in your life?

MG: Becoming a better hitter.


Who is a “hero” in your life and why?

MG: My aunt Nicky Hulett. She never gives up on me and always pushes me.


When are you the most nervous while you are competing?

MG: The first pitch of the season.


Describe an embarrassing athletic moment.

MG: Getting hit in the head during my first varsity scrimmage.


How do you tend to work out/train when by yourself?

MG: Go to the weight room.

What other sport would you like to compete in if you were not playing yours?

MG: If I was fast, track.


Why are sports an important part of a high school experience?

MG: They help me to push myself and be the best I can be.

How would you give away $50,000?

MG: Little leagues all over Michigan.

If you could be the head coach of a team for a year, what team would you choose?

MG: Softball coach at the University of Michigan


If I did not play sports, I would…?

MG: Go insane.


What is the most challenging thing for you to do in your sport?

MG: Relax when hitting.

If you could change one rule about your sport, what would it be?

MG: Tagging up on a fly ball.


What is the best compliment you have ever received?

MG: That I continue to make my family proud.


What was the scariest thing you have had to do? Are you glad you did it?

MG: Hitting off the pitching machine for the first time while coach (Mike) Behnke was watching.


What was the last thing you saw someone do that really impressed you?

MG: Megan Soderbloom broke the school’s home run record.


What is your favorite hobby? Why?

MG: Softball. It’s my life.


Choose one word to describe yourself:

MG: Worker.