County should bring shelter into new era

Published 9:44 am Thursday, March 23, 2017

Berrien County has a unique opportunity with its current director’s retirement to bring their Animal Control into the 21st Century, if they would bring in a compassionate director, knowledgeable in current best practice.
Throughout the nation and our state of Michigan, animal control agencies are reducing kill rates through modern sheltering and best practice. Many are achieving better than 90 percent save rates or have that as their goal.
Some 65 percent of any population owns at least one pet, and many own more than one. The majority owners consider pets companions.
The majority of people want other pets to be treated humanely and their lives saved.
Many animal controls, now in function and in name, are “animal care” for the community. They are achieving amazing results: innovating new programs which save lives while reducing stray animal/human conflict issue. Morale of animal control staff goes up and community collaboration and partnership goes up.
Community support goes up. With progressive community programs, animal intakes to any animal control are reduced. Responsible ownership is supported.
A compassionate knowledgeable leader is key. Currently, qualifications for the director’s position do not match what the position should be for a progressive organization.
The time is now for a transitional director to bring Berrien to a humane treatment of abandoned, homeless and neglected animals. Otherwise, the Berrien County shelter will continue to have an archaic “dog catcher” mentality.
Please add your voice to the others and send an email now to, with a cc to
Tell them you them to reevaluate what the position should be. Tell them you want Berrien County Animal Control director to be a leader in the humane treatment of animals.
Mary Dunham
Chikaming Township