Spring into action before winter ends

Published 11:02 am Monday, March 13, 2017

Last month, I enjoyed a humorous mystery novel from the Niles District Library, called “Repo Madness,” by W. Bruce Cameron.

The story is set in northern Michigan in the dead of winter, and two characters were joking about the effects of hibernation.

Actually, one was teasing the other about putting on an extra layer of insulation. Offended, the second individual claimed that gaining weight is what creatures do over the winter.

The first guy said, “no, that’s only humans; animals come out of hibernation as skinny as a rail.”

I’ve seen many of us venturing out of our winter hideouts lately, especially during the extremely warm spell we enjoyed a few weeks ago. One particularly balmy Sunday afternoon, I watched the colorful parade from my picture window: droves of neighbors passed by, jogging and walking and biking, some missing the lower halves of their pants and sleeves.

Could this really be winter in southwest Michigan? The Groundhog’s prediction Feb. 2 of a short winter seemed to be coming true, very early.

Whether the woodchuck weatherman is right or not, some of us wish we were as skinny as he is in the spring.

If you want to shed a seasonal “layer of insulation” like the character in my book, or if you simply feel sluggish and slow, seize these warmer days and get moving.

Here are some practical suggestions for spring fitness activities:

Walk with wonder

Squeeze in a brisk daily walk outdoors to witness spring’s natural wonders firsthand. Elevate your heart rate for at least 10 minutes to gain heart-strengthening benefits. Wear shoes with good tread and be sure to dress warmly enough!

Socialize with someone 

Spring is a great time to emerge from isolated winter “burrows” and join a group activity. Seek out like-minded individuals who will encourage you and keep you accountable. Invite someone to join you on your daily walk, or sign up for a new fitness class.

Clear the clutter 

Vigorous spring cleaning can be a workout all by itself! Create space for yearlong fitness within your home by setting up a newly cleared corner with a few hand weights and an exercise mat.

Garden with gusto 

Set aside the power tools and use your own power to improve your yard. Digging, shoveling and raking can raise your heart rate, and lifting pavers and hoisting bags of potting soil fully qualifies as functional strength training. Be sure to bend your knees and use your legs when lifting heavier objects, and get help from others when you need it.

For more intensive hibernation layer removal, consult the nutrition and fitness specialists at the Niles-Buchanan YMCA. A plan tailored to your specific needs and goals can be essential to slimming down by summertime.

Whatever your situation, “spring” into action and experience your own personal miracle this spring.

Chrissie Kaufmann is a fitness instructor at the Niles-Buchanan YMCA.