Republican ACA ‘replacement’ plan is a disaster
Published 11:04 am Monday, March 13, 2017
Congressional Republicans, including Rep. Fred Upton, have submitted a health care “replacement” plan that will result in the loss of health insurance for millions of low and moderate income Americans.
The Republicans know this, but don’t seem to care.
Rep. Roger Marshall, R-Kansas, a member of the Republican “doctors caucus,” told Stat News, a website focused on health-care coverage, “Morally, spiritually, socially,” the poor, including the homeless, “just don’t want health care.”
He then brought religion into the fray. In response to a question about Medicaid, which expanded under Obamacare to more than 30 states, Rep. Marshall replied, “Just like Jesus said, ‘The poor will always be with us.’”
What hypocrisy. Jesus did not abandon the poor and unfortunate. He treated them.
It is hard to believe this guy is a licensed physician. I quote from the modern version of the Hippocratic Oath, “I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.”
No warmth, sympathy or understanding here.
Dr. Marshall’s statements exemplify much of what is wrong with the Republican “replacement” plan.
It is harsh and uncaring and would cause millions of Americans to lose their health insurance. It would also drive up health insurance costs, especially for older Americans, and would greatly increase the federal deficit and debt.
The Republican plan is a disaster. Please contact Rep. Upton’s office and urge him to drop his support for this terrible bill.