Partisans need to come together to find common ground

Published 8:42 am Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I am a Democrat living in Cass County, and my granddaughter is a Republican who works in the House of Representatives.

We often talk about politics, and she even bought me a copy of Bernie Sanders’ new book, “Our Revolution,” for Christmas. She inscribed the book saying that though we don’t agree on lots of things politically, we can always talk and find common ground.

I wish the broader population could also work to find things we can agree on.

Here are a few of the things I’m thinking we might be able to find bipartisanship on:

• Jobs, jobs, jobs

• Clean water and clean air

• Repair or replacement of infrastructure

• A year or two of mandatory national service (military, hospitals, schools, construction, etc.)

• Good, affordable healthcare for all our citizens

• Pathways to higher education for anyone who works hard and qualifies

Much of what is wrong in the U.S. can be attributed to poverty. Poverty breeds hopelessness and hopelessness breeds crime and drugs.

I think most of us know that education, whether that is via a university or a trade, is the only thing that can point to hope and bring people out of poverty. I think all of us want to have successful, fulfilling and happy lives and I truly believe most of us want that for everyone else as well.

Let’s encourage each other and our lawmakers to find those areas of common ground where we can work together and make better lives for all of us.

