Bernie Sanders supporters can be most effective as Democrats

Published 10:57 am Wednesday, March 1, 2017

In the recent presidential primary election, Sen. Bernie Sanders was strongly and enthusiastically supported by millions of Americans.

I was one of them.

Bernie was an inspiring candidate who spoke to the urgent concerns of America’s working class individuals and families.

Sanders came very close to being the Democratic nominee. Though clearly disappointed with the outcome of the primary election, he quickly shifted his focus to influencing the Democratic platform, which became the most progressive platform in the history of the party.

Many Sanders supporters, including me, recognized the dangers the immoral policies of Donald Trump would inflict on our country, and followed Bernie’s lead by strongly opposing the Republican Party.

Others, however, did not.

Hopefully, these folks are now convinced that the extreme agenda of Trump and his congressional Republican supporters is a real threat to nearly everyone.

Republicans are committed to supporting Wall Street and big business by giving public tax money to the wealthy, a detriment to the working class. Their efforts to remove all regulatory checks on the financial sector threaten to further shrink the middle class.

Hopes for an administration full of billionaires to fix campaign finance reform is a joke. An impulsive president who ignores basic knowledge is a serious risk to our national security.

We live in a two-party country – voting for a third party is not a winning strategy. The only way to defeat the dangerous agenda of Trump and his congressional Republican supporters is to strengthen the Democratic party.

Sanders has assumed a prominent leadership role in the national party and his influence is being felt at every level. Thanks to Bernie, Michigan now has one of the most progressive Democratic Party state platforms in the country

The most effective way for Bernie Sanders supporters to work for progressive change is to join their local newly upgraded Democratic party. We need all voices at the table in order to resist the harmful and dangerous policies of Trump and his congressional Republican allies.


Benton Harbor