EPA cannot be dismantled by current administration

Published 9:19 am Thursday, February 23, 2017

If you are concerned with the direction the current administration is heading to dismantle environmental protections, I say: no whining, use advocacy instead for the values we hold dear.

First of all, contact your representative(s) at the state and federal level and express your concerns.

If you are concerned that we will be leaving our children and grandchildren unbreathable air and undrinkable water, support the environmental agencies that work in these areas; you can check an organizational’s credentials at Navigator.

The Republican Congress is trying to dismantle environmental protections piece by piece and it is critical that concerned constituents contact them.

Scott Pruitt as EPA director is definitely a mockery of everything this agency stands for. By the time this is published the Senate will confirm him even though a suit has been filed to obtain potential conflict of interest emails showing his dedication to the fossil fuel industry.

It is important that we as concerned citizens monitor the actions of this agency and keep in touch with our representatives.

Do not accept the blatant lies put forth as “alternative facts.” It is an obligation of citizenry to “fact check.”

It is critical that the small part of the federal budget that goes to public broadcasting not be cut in any way. Public broadcasting provides us with thorough and vetted news as well as wonderful programming for both adults and children.

Urge your representative to support public broadcasting.

A free press and media are too valuable to risk being shut down by statements from our president and his strategists who wish the media would “shut up.”

Pat Bellaire
