President chasing phantoms with claims of voter fraud

Published 8:38 am Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mr. Trump, I understand you are going to investigate voter fraud.
You claim several million votes were cast illegally in the last election, causing you to lose the popular vote majority. I do not know if you know this or not, but real investigations are supposed to proceed without preconceived conclusions.
The premise of your investigation seems to assume that fraud produced only Clinton votes.
If you want to look into the election process, why do you not look into some of the laws that have restricted or discouraged legitimate voters from casting their ballots, such as closing of voting centers in gerrymandered districts, reductions of voting machines at certain polling places, elimination of extended voting times and voter intimidation?
If you were truly concerned about pure elections, you should be pushing for real reform that makes voting simple and ensures all eligible voters have equal access to the process.
I believe your investigation is nothing more than a witch hunt for some “alternative facts” that will be used to sooth your ego, bruised by the fact you lost the popular vote. I fear the other motive for this so-called “investigation” is to make it even more difficult for people to vote.
This is shameful and un-American.

Lincoln Township