People need to ask tough questions about the new administration

Published 8:37 am Thursday, February 2, 2017

This is an open letter to all citizens who are concerned about what the future holds in light of recent decisions made by the White House.
I strongly urge you to read a copy of a special edition book printed by Readers Digest in 1968, entitled “Scoundrels and Scalawags.” It contains the true accounts of many people who managed to do underhanded things to vast numbers of people.
When you think something does not look right, ask critical questions. You deserve the truth and it is our obligation to make this world a better place to live.
I would also like to add that Mexico and South America are not our adversaries, yet the new administration seems to be taking a heavy handed approach to our relationships with them.
Why does the president not show what businesses he has overseas? We should be able to see more closely where his true allegiances lie.
When Kellyanne Conway said the American public was not interested in learning the details, was that another set of alternative facts?
I believe we all want the same things, but when presidential mandates begin to resemble martial law commands, we should be concerned.
