Trump tweets display typical behavior

Published 10:13 am Friday, January 13, 2017

Donald Trump is angry that so many well-known entertainers are choosing not to attend or perform at his inaugural functions.
His response in a posted tweet has his typical childish and dishonest tone: “The so called ‘A’ list celebrities are all wanting ti[ckets] to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!”
Well I guess the chickens are coming home to roost and Trump is not happy.
After months of xenophobic attacks, demonstrated misogyny and regular displays of vulgarity, how can he wonder why celebrities do not want to be associated with him?
The way I was raised, you are known by the company you keep.
I am one of the “PEOPLE,” and I would not cross the street to attend one of his events. If Trump wants the “people,” he might begin apologizing for his disgusting behavior during the campaign.
He has a whole bunch of baggage he needs to clean up before any of the 65.8 million people who voted against him would consider having anything to do with his inauguration.