Hunter’s Rendezvous planned for Jan. 28

Published 6:23 pm Monday, January 9, 2017

The 19th annual Hunter’s Rendezvous gathering of hunters of all ages will be Saturday, Jan. 28, at the Dowagiac Conservation Club, 54551 M-51 N., Dowagiac. Admission is free.

The event will be from noon to 6 p.m., and there will be deer camp chili and hot dogs available for a $6 donation.

The event will provide an opportunity for young hunters to learn from experienced hunters in a casual atmosphere.

“Visitors to the Hunter’s Rendezvous can expect to see a large display of deer, turkeys and other game that have been harvested from our area,” said Richard Atkinson, event coordinator. “Every year, we have more deer on display. This part of the event is always a big attraction.”

New this year is a free gun raffle for all trophy owners who bring in their trophies for display. The trophies must be registered between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to receive a free raffle ticket. The raffle will be conducted at 4:30 p.m. The winner and trophy must be present to win.

A second raffle will be conducted, which will feature a top prize of a freezer full of meat, a second prize of a Weatherby 20-gauge shotgun and a third prize of a 32-inch television. There will also be a 5555 raffle. A children’s raffle will be from 1 to 4 p.m.

There will also be an event scoring trophy bucks. Scorers from the Commemorative Bucks of Michigan and Boone & Crockett Club will be on hand at the Hunter’s Rendezvous to score trophy bucks, as well as turkeys and elk.

Atkinson anticipates that the virtual reality hunting kit the group purchased will be popular this year.

“The club has purchased our own virtual reality hunting equipment that is state-of-the-art,” he said. “We will have this equipment available for visitors to the Hunter’s Rendezvous.”

In addition, representatives from conservation organizations will attend the event to provide information about the work each group does to protect wildlife and their habitats.

“Conservation organizations, such as Ducks Unlimited, the National Wild Turkey Federation and Pheasants Forever, as well as many others will be on hand at the event,” Atkinson said.

An antique gun appraiser will be on hand during the event, and visitors are encouraged to bring their vintage firearms to the event to be appraised.