Athlete Showcase: Brandywine’s Conner Earles

Published 8:20 am Friday, December 2, 2016

Conner Earles is a senior on the Brandywine tennis team.


What has been one of your greatest accomplishments as an athlete?

CE: Reaching 10-foot-6 in pole vaulting my freshman year of track.


What has been one of your biggest disappointments as an athlete?

CE: Getting injured and not being able to play the sports that I would like to.


What has been a hardship in your life?

CE: Getting injured during sports and having to deal with those injuries.


Who is a “hero” in your life and why?

CE: Toby Fox because he is “the athlete.”


When are you the most nervous while you are competing?

CE: I am most nervous when the match is at game point and it can go either way.


Describe an embarrassing athletic moment.

CE: Missing the tennis ball when you swing the racquet is pretty embarrassing.


How do you tend to work out/train when by yourself?

CE:Just lifting and doing my own thing.


What other sport would you like to compete in if you were not playing yours?

CE: Football, but I can’t because of injuries.


Why are sports an important part of a high school experience?

CE: They are important because they keep me busy.


How would you give away $50,000?

CE: I would give it to an adoption charity because my little sister is adopted.


If you could be the head coach of a team for a year, what team would you choose?

CE: The Chicago Bears because someone needs to get rid of Jay Cutler.


If I did not play sports, I would…?

CE: I would just focus on my college classes at LMC.


What is the most challenging thing for you to do in your sport?

CE: Hit the ball over the net.


If you could change one rule about your sport, what would it be?

CE: Getting hit with the ball should not be a point for the other team.


What is the best compliment you have ever received?

CE: “Good hands feet.”

What was the scariest thing you have had to do? Are you glad you did it?

CE: Going into surgery, and yes because it made me better.


What was the last thing you saw someone do that really impressed you?

CE: I saw Caleb Cole whoop the Bridgman kid.


What is your favorite hobby? Why?

CE: Riding my dirt bike because it is a lot of fun.