Reece, Marchetti running for Ontwa Township supervisor

Published 9:14 am Friday, October 28, 2016

Jeremy Reece (D)

Age: 39

Office: Ontwa Township Supervisor

Residence: Village of Edwardsburg


  • Edwardsburg High School
  • Ferris State University

Professional background:

  • Founder and owner of a local business Phase 5 Graphics & Apparel

Basic RGBPolitical experience:

  • Very active Edwardsburg Little League Board member, Village of Edwardsburg Zoning board of Appeals trustee, Parents have been politically active for many years so I have 20+ years of exposure and involvement

Civic involvement:

  • Year round coach of local youth sports.
  • Current with township and village affairs
  • Active supporter of our local emergency services
  • Edwardsburg Little League board member
  • Regular volunteer at Edwardsburg Schools
  • Regularly involved in community activities like the Memorial Day

What will be your top priority if elected to office? The first thing I would like to do is bring true transparency of the township affairs to the public. After running on a “transparency” platform our current board has done much in the opposite. Special meetings would be only as needed and be scheduled when the public could readily attend.

What makes you the best candidate for the job? I am open and forthcoming about my stance on subjects, I don’t flip-flop on decisions. I educate myself and fully understand the subject at hand before making a decision. I objectively view things from both sides to understand the full scope of the subject.

What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? I am proud to be a local business owner. I had the choice to open the business somewhere else, most likely cheaper tax-wise, but chose to keep it in Edwardsburg to help our local economy. I am also a proud and very active member of the Edwardsburg Little League.

What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? Local government not making decisions in the best interest of the entire community, instead making decisions based on special interests. As an elected official I would weigh the pros and cons of every matter and make a decision based on what’s best for the community as a whole.

Other comments: This community needs someone to lead it who is not afraid to stand up against anyone, willing to openly speak their mind, will educate and fully understand subject matter before voting, won’t change their mind depending on the company at hand, is willing to openly answer questions directly, and wants active input from the public. That person is me.


Jerry Marchetti (R)

Age: 74

Office sought: Ontwa Township Supervisor

Residence: Edwardsburg

Education: Bachelor of science Bradley University

Jerry Marchetti

Jerry Marchetti

Professional background: Small business counselor/consultant; Retired from 30 years from management for Sears

Political experience: Trustee Ontwa Township — Eight years, Ambulance Board member, Zoning Board of Appeal member

Civic involvement: Edwardsburg Public School Foundation, SCORE Counseling, Knights of Columbus, Chamber of Commerce, American Legion member, Commodity Day Rep.

What will be your top priority if elected to office? With my experience in retailing/marketing and as a 20-year SCORE Counselor, my priority in economic development will be retention and growth of existing businesses and attraction of new businesses. Fiscal responsibility/no wasteful spending; support and enhance our local ambulance, police and fire services and develop bike and walking trails.

What makes you the best candidate for the job? I have been a township trustee for eight years and know the people in our community. While campaigning I visited over 1,300 homes where I talked to our residents about their concerns and needs. I don’t miss meetings; I work hard for our residents, and I know how to get things done.

What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Professionally I have counseled over 300 businesses in the Michiana area and recently presented a workshop for local businesses. The past three years I worked with Canadian National Railroad to repair the United States 12 tracks. The first repair was unsatisfactory. I re-contacted the railroad, which resulted in a complete redo.

What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? Economic growth in our community has to be one of the big challenges that we face. Growing new businesses and helping existing businesses are important to our Township’s success. My association with the Chamber, other area economic development organizations, and the MEDC will help to address these challenges.

Other comments: As a member of our local Knights of Columbus, plus working with our local churches, the Lions Club and the Edwardsburg Food Pantry, I enjoy helping to provide food and services to people in our area asking for assistance. The support of the residents of our community is something we can all be proud of and I appreciate being a part of it.