Clements Represents Real Change

Published 10:40 am Thursday, October 27, 2016

There has recently been news coverage of one presidential candidate claiming a conspiracy to influence political events.

However, the real conspiracy has been the current dysfunction in Congress caused by Republicans obstructing and delegitimizing Democratic initiatives to pass legislation that would serve our citizens and move our country forward.

Some examples of legislation stagnating in Congress are: fair health and prescription drug coverage; Wall Street reform; comprehensive immigration reform; infrastructure improvements; investment in job training; and protecting the environment.

To take just one issue, in 2015 Fred Upton voted against 35 bills and amendments that would have protected our air, our public lands and, yes, even our water (League of Conservation Voters). Mr. Upton touts the message that he is bipartisan. Nothing could be further from the truth on legislation that affects all our lives and our children’s lives in the future. To learn his votes on other issues, go to Read beyond the bill’s title, however, as many are misleading as to their true intent.

Paul Clements, Mr. Upton’s opponent in our Sixth District Congressional race, accepts the scientific truth of climate change and believes in the urgency of acting now to speed up the transition to clean energy resulting in the creation of many new jobs. To learn more about Mr. Clements’ positions on jobs, education, Medicare, Social Security and other issues, visit his website

If you want real change in Washington, it begins in Congress. In several recent polls, voters have indicated they would prefer Democrats to control Congress. Let’s make that happen by voting for Paul Clements for our Sixth District Congressional Representative.


Anne Tenerelli

Saint Joseph