Job experience makes Herman best suited to be a judge

Published 10:12 am Thursday, October 20, 2016

For the first time in many years, there is a contested election for Cass County Circuit Court Judge.

I am supporting Mark Herman for these important reasons.

Mark’s job experience makes him best suited to step into the judgeship based upon the following facts.

He has extensive law enforcement experience, and has worked as a Prosecutor for Cass County, the Pokagon Band of the Potawatomi, and the Village of Cassopolis.

Mark has extensive civil court experience. In private practice, Mark has handled the matters that come before a Circuit Court, such as divorces, lawsuits, and real estate transactions. His opponent has worked in one area of the law, prosecution, for most of his career.

Mark is the only candidate who has served as a court officer. As the Cass County Probate Court Referee and Administrator, he ruled on evidence, took witness testimony, and issued court rulings, in over 10,000 instances in 14 years. His opponent has no such experience in conducting court proceedings.

Mark is also the only candidate who has served in the organizations which improve community life, including Rotary, Cass County Youth Committee, Dowagiac Chamber of Commerce, Dogwood Fine Arts Festival, and Woodlands Behavioral Healthcare to name a few.

Mark has worked in Cass County for his entire legal career, over 34 years. Unlike his opponent he has not left elected office in the middle of a term, and then come back periodically to run for office. He knows and cares about our community.

I urge you to compare the two candidates. It’s a job interview on a big scale, and Mark’s work history and community dedication make him the best man for the job. Experience and commitment matter.

Please vote for Mark Herman on November 8th in the nonpartisan portion of your ballot.

