Why pick Nick?

Published 10:56 am Thursday, October 6, 2016

Nick Shelton is extremely loyal and one of those people that you always want to have in your corner.
I have known Nick for almost 15 years, through many life changes, and there was never a time when he shied away from a challenge or questioned his ability to make positive change. Nick has always had a passion to make a difference, and to be that change.
Why pick Nick? My husband and I chose Nick to be our daughter’s godfather because we couldn’t imagine a better role model in his faith, love, honesty, work ethic and growth mindset. I have seen Nick work with and truly listen to people who have differing views than his own, my husband is one of those people and though they may think differently in some ways they have been best friends for years, because they realize that through differences they help each other grow and make each other better.
Why pick Nick? Nick truly loves Niles, he has traveled quite a bit and tried out living in different places but always returns to his home and family in Niles. When Nick decides he is going to do something, you never have to question if it will get done or the quality as he always puts forth 110 percent.
Nick is a dynamic person who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go for it, even if it is something that he has never done. He is always learning and setting goals to reach his potential for himself and what he is passionate about.
You should pick Nick because he has made it his goal to make Niles thrive and he always finds a way to achieve his goals.