A fresh set of eyes will serve Niles well

Published 11:00 am Thursday, October 6, 2016

I am a lifelong resident of Niles and a business owner in the downtown area. When choosing my hometown to build my dream most people were skeptical and curious to why on earth would I gamble my future on an area that had very little to offer.
I have different eyes than most. When you see a downtown that has dwindled down to a few thriving businesses, crumbling buildings, and vacancy in so many shop windows, I see opportunity.
I see the beauty that lies beneath the crumbling stone. I see a town that needs the right people to lead the way and completely transform it. I see a bright future.
Nick Shelton shares that view.
A pair of eyes that see the opportunity that lies before us and the heart to do something about it. We need change and we need it now. Positive things are happening in our area. We need someone that shares the vision of success and transformation.
Nick Shelton is my pick.