Moose Lodge seeking applicants for program

Published 9:54 am Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dowagiac Moose Lodge  #933 will a host “Moose Youth Awareness” program at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 8.

The Youth Awareness Program is for high school students who can combine academic skills and leadership qualities to target 4 through 9 year-olds with a positive message through kids talks. Previous presentations have been given on a variety of topics, such as: drug/alcohol abuse, manners, smoking, fire safety, bullying, peer pressure, washing hands/hygiene, nutrition, internet safety, “stranger danger,” dental health and staying in school.

Students chosen to participate in the program must attend a one-day Youth Awareness Congress in September, October or early November, where they will learn more about the program and receive a T-shirt. After the Congress, the students can go and deliver their presentations for which stipends are available.

A report is required and must be submitted for each presentation.

If this requirement is met, other topics of importance to these youngsters can be used as well.

The presentations can be given at elementary schools, pre-schools, sunday school classes, scouting units, head start programs, 4-h clubs, boys and girls clubs, after school day care and other groups where they find 4 through 9 year olds.

Students who do three presentations will receive a check for $50, and students doing 12 or more presentations receive an additional $100. The reports are judged by a group of honor high school seniors from a school not involved in the program.

The top two students are then eligible to attend the International Youth Awareness Congress, where 50 to 60 students from the U.S. and Canada compete for scholarships of $12,000, $8,000, $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000.

Also, the Michigan Moose Association has scholarships of $1,000 and $500 available on a drawing basis.

A student’s name is entered in the drawing for each report after two are submitted  (i.e. three reports result in name in drawing one time, 10 reports result in name entered eight time). Students drawn allowed one scholarship per year.