Volunteer of the Week: Trisha Hunt, Summer in the City

Published 9:52 am Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Trisha Hunt volunteers with the Dowagiac Chamber of Commerce. This summer, she is one of the key people responsible for hosting the city’s inaugural Summer on Tap beer festival, which will take place during Summer in the City.


What do you do for the organization?

We are putting together a beer tasting. We’ve got 14 different breweries. I also help with the Taste of Dowagiac on Friday evenings.


How did you first get involved?

I work with Kim McGregor and she’s Chamber president, so there was that relationship there.

Trisha Hunt

Trisha Hunt


What do you enjoy most about your work?

Probably just getting out and being part of the community. Talking with the businesses, seeing people come into town for the first time.


How often do you volunteer?

It’s kind of sprinkled into each week. There’s normally something always going on. I also help with the annual dinner that takes place in October. It always seems kike there’s something coming up for the next festival to get ready for.


How long have you been volunteering?

Probably for the last three years.


Why is it important to volunteer?

I like to think there are some many good organizations that need to keep operating, but they don’t all have the money to pay full-time staff. So, the people that volunteer are able to keep those up and running.


Why should others volunteer?

I think you get a sense of pride out of volunteering, especially when you see something come together, what you and your other volunteers put together. It also teaches the younger generation to give back.


Do you know a volunteer worthy of recognition? Nominate him or her by calling Craig Haupert, community editor, at (269) 687-7720, or emailing him at craig.haupert@leaderpub.com