Protecting youth from powdered alcohol

Published 9:30 am Thursday, January 14, 2016

Every year, families throughout Southwest Michigan, our state and the entire nation see the tragic effects of alcohol on lives — especially young people.

Alcohol abuse is a serious problem, and many young people die each year due to alcohol poisoning. As a father, I believe we should do all we can to discourage and prevent underage drinking.

Powdered alcohol — with its ability to be easily transported and used discreetly — raises the potential for underage use and the risk of further tragic losses of life.

It also features flavors that appeal to kids, like “lemon drop,” and young children might not be able to distinguish between a powdered alcohol packet and one for Kool-Aid.

Stopping this potentially dangerous product from coming to Michigan before we see its negative impacts is the best way to protect our children. That is why I was proud to co-sponsor a new law to prohibit powdered alcohol so that it never wreaks havoc on our families.

Public Act 165 of 2015 bans the sale, distribution and possession of powdered alcohol in Michigan. The new law goes into effect on Jan. 26, 2016.

When used properly, powdered alcohol affects the consumer just like liquid alcohol. However, powdered alcohol poses unique risks, such as being snorted to get intoxicated at a faster rate.

The product can also create dangerous combinations if mixed with substances other than water, such as Coke or liquor. One concern often raised is that someone could use this to spike another person’s drink — increasing its alcohol content without the person’s knowledge.

Michigan is now one of 27 states that have banned powdered alcohol. The other states include Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

The new law is about standing up against a harmful product before it begins affecting the safety of our children and our communities.


Sen. John Proos, R-St. Joseph, represents Southwest Michigan.