Feed the Hungry exceeds 2015 goal
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Volunteers with Cass County food pantries were joined by local law enforcement officers and firefighters to help unload a giant semi loaded with nonperishable food items Tuesday morning. (Leader photo/TED YOAKUM)
A few days before Christmas, a number of local food pantries received a special gift, courtesy of hundreds Cass County residents.
The 2015 Feed the Hungry campaign wrapped up another successful year Tuesday morning with its annual food delivery at the C. Wimberley Ford dealership. More than 30 people, including Dowagiac police and fire officials and officers with the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, volunteered their time and muscle in unloading a semi truck full of nonperishable food items, which were distributed to eight county food pantries and other organizations assisting local hungry families.
Organizers with Feed the Hungry purchased nearly $5,000 worth of food for the drop off, using funds from the more than $22,000 donated to this year’s drive, said organizer Jim Allen. The total amount places them well above their $20,000 goal.
“We’re just beside ourselves right now,” Allen said. “This is just a great, great thing.”
Started by C. Wimberley Automotive, the annual holiday food drive raises money from local residents and businesses to support needy families in the greater Cass County area. Last year, the campaign raised around $20,000.
In addition to the food purchased Tuesday, the campaign will pay for visits throughout the year from mobile food pantries with Feeding America, coordinated through Dowagiac’s ACTION Ministries Network.
Among the volunteers pitching in Tuesday were Cassopolis’ Michael and Julee Grice, representing Cassopolis First Church of God, which received food from the drop-off. The church pantry assists between 40-50 families, so the campaign’s contribution will be put to good use, the couple said.
“It’s amazing,” Julee said. “Every year we are so blessed to be a part of this.”