What a great place Dowagiac is

Published 8:00 am Thursday, January 8, 2015

Although I am reminded of what a great place Dowagiac is several times throughout the year I am especially reminded of it during the Christmas holiday time that has just passed.  There are so many acts of kindness and giving that are witnessed throughout Dowagiac all through the year but even more so now.

Every year the C. Wimberley Automotive staff organizes the Feed the Hungry Food Drive.  The Dowagiac Police and Fire Departments are honored to be a part of the delivery of the food for the local food pantries by escorting the load of food into town and helping distribute it.

Every year the Dowagiac community digs deep into their pockets to help feed those who are less fortunate and need a little extra help.  This year the Feed the Hungry Food Drive collected over $20,600 to help stock local food pantries.

The food drive is organized by Jim Allen who worked tirelessly to reach the goal of $20,000 and did an awesome job in making sure that the goal was met. I am very proud of Jim and his hard work and again honored to work with him, Chuck Wimberely and the C. Wimberely Automotive staff on the food drive.

I also read where the staff at Napa Ridge Auto Parts, the Zeta Chi Sorority, MTL Lawncare, and the students and staff at the Dowagiac Middle School partnered to collect food for those in the Dowagiac community as well.  Once again, the community supported this food drive and several families will have a little something extra during this special time of year.

There was also the story of Brian Antisdel delivering pies to the elderly and people in need in the community and the Sister Lakes Lions Club delivering toys, clothing and 48 food baskets to needy families in the area.  Once again a story of those in the community pitching in to make this time of year a little more special for those in need.

The Dowagiac Police and Fire Departments were also once again honored to work with the Dowagiac VFW Post #1855, the staff at Shopko, and L.A.D.D., on the Shop With A Hero event held in early December.

What a great feeling it is to be able to help out several families throughout the community by shopping with the kids and providing them with something special during the Christmas season.  The officers and firefighters get as much joy out of this event as the kids and it is something that we all look forward to every year.  What a great opportunity for these kids and families to interact with the officers and firefighters in a positive way that brings a smile to everyone who is involved.

I know that there are probably several other events and community initiatives and even more that helped out during the events mentioned that I have missed but I think that the ones mentioned show what a great place Dowagiac is and what great people call this area home.

I am proud and honored to be a part of this area and can’t wait to be able to tell people that I meet and prove to them:  What a great place Dowagiac is!


Steve Grinnewald is the Director of Public Safety in Dowagiac.