City of Niles reminds residents to keep sidewalks clear of snow
Published 8:55 am Tuesday, January 6, 2015
As temperatures plummet and snow falls on the ground around Niles, city officials are reminding citizens to keep sidewalks free of snow.
Joe Ray, director of public works, said keeping sidewalks clear of obstructions, including snow and ice, improves the safety and appearance of the city.
“If sidewalks aren’t plowed people start walking in the street,” he said. “That is the big concern because we don’t want pedestrians in the roadway.”
City crews only plow sidewalks on city-owned properties and school routes, leaving the rest up to individual property owners.
There is a city ordinance requiring property owners to remove snow and ice from their sidewalks.
Those who do not do so in a timely manner — approximately 24 hours — can be subject to
a misdemeanor criminal change.
City crews also have the option of clearing sidewalks at the expense of the property owner, although Ray said that has never happened to his knowledge.
The city also recommends that people follow these winter safety tips:
• To assist snow removal crews, park vehicles in off-street locations during snow or ice events
• Do not plow, shovel or blow snow into the street
• Do not plow, shovel or blow snow onto a public sidewalk
• Keep snow shoveled away from nearby fire hydrants so they can easily be located by firefighters during an emergency
• Assist elderly or disabled neighbors with snow removal
• Keep snow piles low enough so they do not create a site distance or viewing problem for motorists
Christmas tree collection
The Niles Street Division will be collecting and recycling Christmas trees in the City of Niles beginning Monday, Jan. 19, weather permitting.
The crew will make just one trip through the entire city, beginning in the first ward and then continuing through the second, third and fourth wards. Trees should be placed at the edge of the street — not in the street — by no later than Sunday evening, Jan. 18.
Trees must be removed from plastic bags and must be completely stripped of all ornaments, lights, tree stands, or they will not be picked up.
Citizens who aren’t ready to discard their Christmas tree at this time can participate in the regular brush-chipping program, which will resume in April.