Letter misstates candidate’s position
Published 8:59 am Thursday, October 16, 2014
I would like to address the lack of accuracy of a particular letter to the editor which was printed in last week’s paper and that claimed to be factual regarding my campaign platform. This letter specifically stated that “Mr. Miller proposes that an individual should be able to purchase and carry a handgun hidden on his person without any background check or permit” and that the proposal is “frightening.”
This is a gross misrepresentation of fact based on anything I’ve ever personally said or anything ever posted in writing by my campaign. In answer to the two false accusations, a.) I support and have always supported stringent background checks for firearms purchases, although I am opposed to the government maintaining a registration list and b.) I support and have always supported Michigan’s system for concealed carry of weapons, which is a highly regulated program based on training, record-keeping, and licensure. I would, however, like to see some changes to allow law-abiding citizens to better protect themselves.
I have never made any statement or implication that would propose what the writer claimed above.
Aaron Miller