Tomasini a good fit for re-election

Published 9:07 am Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mary Jo Tomasini is finishing her first six-year term on the Lake Michigan College board. She is currently secretary of the board.

I am supporting Mary Jo for another term on the board. Mary Jo has much interest in present and future LMC programs such as the excellent student housing at the college. She graduated from LC in marketing and serves on the LMC Foundation and Alumni boards.I have known Mary JO many years and have followed her many achievements. She started a business, Competitive Edge, 22 years ago. She is now CEO and has 25 employees. That business has received many awards, which include “Best Boss’ by Promotional Production Association International. She is now on the board of PPAI.

For a few years, her business has been selected in the top 50 “Best Places to Work” in her industry. placed her business “Top 500 Women-Owned Businesses in the U.S.” and “top 50 Women-Owned Businesses in Michigan.”

Her volunteer activities include United Way *2913 Live United Award for her longstanding record of service to United Way), Junior Achievement of Michigan, Boys and Girls Club of Benton Harbor and Women’s Business Enterprise as a mentor.

She has been selected YWCA “Honorary Woman of Achievement,” “Outstanding Women Business Enterprise of the Year” by Michigan Women’s Business Council and Cornerstone Alliance “Entrepreneur of the Year.”

We are fortunate to have such a leader seek reelection to the Lake Michigan College Board. She is an excellent example of the education at our fine Lake Michigan College.


John H. Carter, MD

St. Joseph, Michigan