Dowagiac church ‘not so blessed’

Published 6:31 pm Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Last week I saw a sign in front of the Michiana Church of Christ that read “God bless you Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby.” I am appalled, offended and saddened by this. For anyone who doesn’t understand why I feel this way, let me inform you a bit.

Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby, but Chick-fil-A especially, are companies that have publicly discriminated against the LGBT community. LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

By displaying a sign with that kind of message, the Michiana Church of Christ is publicly agreeing with the discrimination toward the LGBT community. I feel this is so wrong and disrespectful, not only to myself, but to anyone who it could potentially offend. The sign was posted on a main street in our small town for everyone to see! This is a big deal.

I know there are people who disagree with the LGBT “lifestyle;” however, it is not okay to publicly discriminate against us. We should be able to walk down the street without seeing a sign that could make us feel bad about ourselves. We are just like anyone else and deserve to have equal treatment just like everyone else. What if a youth member, struggling with his or her sexuality saw the sign?

Don’t you think we receive enough discrimination already? Well, the answer is yes, we do. I am embarrassed and disgusted that this church is in my hometown. As a church, I would think that promoting love would be their first priority, rather than promoting hate.

Love is love. Rather it be two men, two women or a woman and a man. Who are they to judge? And more importantly, who are they to display that kind of message for everyone to see?

If there is a God, I’m sure he or she would not support the discrimination of anyone! To those of the LGBT community, and those who support that community, I encourage you to stand up for our rights! Everyone has the freedom of speech, and everyone has a right to their own opinion, but it’s unfortunate that the opinion of the Michiana Church of Christ seems to be so negative and hateful.

We are a small town and need to support one another instead of judging. The sign was an embarrassment to our town and offensive to many. Love is love. If you don’t have anything nice to display, don’t display anything at all.

Kristen Armstrong