Letter to the editor: Change needed at Niles Community Schools

Published 10:03 am Thursday, September 19, 2013

To the editor:

With the new school year started I feel the need to respond to a letter that was sent into The Niles Daily Star toward the end of the past school year from Susan Anderson.
I would like to say that it was exactly what I and many others that I talk to in the community were thinking, but not wanting to say ourselves. I was quite disappointed that no one responded, considering what has been happening, or not happening, in the Niles school district since the new superintendent has “come on board.” A lot of people believe the letter was speaking of just Niles High School and New Tech. I known it was not.
The elementary schools and middle school also have issues that stem from the top. I have children in two of the buildings and the turnover rate of employees is mind blowing. I know quite a few of the teachers and administrators both that are still employed by the school and also those who are not. Most of them that I have spoken to tell me the key to staying employed at Niles Community Schools is not to make the superintendent angry or disagree with him.
I agree with Susan Anderson that we, as a community, need to step up and write in our opinions, if not to the Niles Daily Star then at least to the school board members, the ones who truly have the power to make the much-needed change. Maybe, just maybe, this year we, as a community, can get the school board to realize what a disaster the superintendent is causing.
Destruction doesn’t take a long time. Rebuilding, however, is an extremely lengthy process. We need to start the rebuilding process and we really need to start at the top.

Pat Stevens