Competitors, tasters wanted for Buchanan Chili Walk March 29
Published 10:56 pm Thursday, March 15, 2012
The Buchanan Area Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Buchanan Meadows LifeHouse Properties, is, once again, gearing up for a chili walk Thursday, March 29.
Last year saw more than 25 entries, and the variety was remarkable. Chilies were made with ground beef, steak, turkey, venison, pumpkin, chocolate and vegetables. Does your chili have what it takes to win the coveted Golden Ladle? Join the chili walk with your own concoctions and recipes.
The public is encouraged to participate in the sampling, and each attendee may cast a vote for their favorite chili and best named chili.
There will be a $2 spoon charge. A portion of the money will go to the National Alzheimer’s Association, “Buchanan Meadows Walk to End Alzheimer’s Team.” There will be prizes awarded for the Judges’ Choice, People’s Choice and Best Named chilies.
This year’s Chili Challenge will be held downtown from 5 to 7 p.m. in a progressive fashion with the Buchanan District Library being the start and end point.
Each contestant will be matched up with a local business to showcase both the chili and the place of business. Visitors will go door-to-door to sample and mingle.
Downtown Buchanan businesses are invited to share their spaces and give the community a chance to get to know them better.
To register, contact the Buchanan Area Chamber (269) 695-3291 or for an application.
There is an entry fee of $20. Entrants may sign up today through Thursday.