Did Michigan win?

Published 10:12 pm Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Often we look at an election and we judge whether the Republicans or Democrats won the election. The question, after a year or two is, did “We the People win?”

So, with that in mind, let’s ask ourselves whether Michigan won the last big election. Many new faces were added to Lansing. What did they do since “We the People hired them?” Let the statistics tell the story.

1. 80,000 private sector jobs were created. Now. Notice what this statistic tells us. Private sector jobs are what we need. We don’t need more government jobs.

Government jobs cost the taxpayer money. We pay their salaries. But private business owners pay those who work in the private sector jobs.

2. The Michigan Business Tax on small businesses was eliminated. This was a tax that had been “triple taxing” small businesses for several years. The result was that businesses were moving across the state line. This tax was replaced with a 6 percent flat corporate tax, plus eliminating many special tax breaks and loopholes.

3. The Unemployment Insurance System and Workers Compensation systems were reformed, which has saved the State of Michigan $100 million in 2012 alone.

4. Another big change was the cap on welfare benefits. The cap was set at four years for their lifetime. This is saving taxpayers $75 million dollars. Prior to this change, able-bodied people could be on the dole for life.

5. More than 400 rules and regulations that burdened employers and business were eliminated and made for a more job-friendly and business-friendly economic environment, which is being seen in the increase of the private sector job increases. Michigan is now on the top of the business-promising list.

6.  By cutting spending by $1.2 billion dollars, the budged is structurally balanced. For the first time since 1981, Michigan had a “passed” budget in May.

7. 2011 saw the year-end with a surplus of $457 million dollars, which has not happened in a decade.

8. The state of Michigan paid down its debt by $300 million; $250 million has been placed in the rainy day savings account.

9. A cap was placed on unfunded liabilities on state employees’ retirement health care, and legislation was passed to pay forward on the debt, saving taxpayers $6 billion dollars.

10. The Fitch rating agency improved the state’s credit outlook from “stable” to “positive” based on its budget changes.

11. A teacher tenure reform package that rewards tenure for performance and not longevity was passed.

12. The legislator pay cut of 10 percent was passed. Yes, they actually cut their own pay.

13. Legislative staff budgets were cut by 18 percent.

14. The speaker’s budget was cut by 23 percent.

15. Lawmakers and staff saw their contributions changed to an 80/20 plan.

16. An 80/20 health care plan for all public employees was passed.
17. A Fiscal Accountability Act was passed to identify struggling communities sooner which would avoid municipal and state bankruptcies which would cost the state taxpayer millions and millions of dollars. Someone had to pay for the bankruptcies. That somebody was the taxpayer.
(Information supplied by state Rep. Al Pscholka)

Did Michigan win? You decide. Was the change perfect? No. A tax on those who were on limited income, who were born after 1946, was levied on the shoulders of people who are retired and drawing from their retirement CDs. The tax is nearly 4.5 percent. Fair  Hopefully, they’ll rethink that one.

No government is perfect. We decide who runs the business “of the People” by who “We the People” elect and hire to take care of the People’s business.

If you don’t like what is happening, vote in the November 2012 federal and state elections and fire those who you don’t think are working for the people.

Fire those who are trampling on your constitutional rights and elect men and women who will listen to the people.

Bob Hess
