A Tea Partier’s View: Don’t blame the Tea Party
Published 9:36 am Friday, October 7, 2011
What some are trying to blame the Tea Party for regarding the debt nonsense, Mr. Neil Cavuto gave 10 points toward on July 22, 2011’s “Common Sense.”
1. Tea Party’s opposition to tax hikes didn’t bring us to the brink; D.C.’s addiction to spending did.
2. Tea Partiers didn’t create these deficits, Washington did.
3. Tea Partiers didn’t wreck the budget this year; democrats (who had total control over everything in Washington) didn’t offer a budget at all this year.
4. Tea Partiers aren’t the reason we’re up against another debt limit, Washington is.
5. Tea Partiers aren’t suddenly to blame for the nation’s credit ratings issues; those agencies first warned about this years ago.
6. Tea Partiers have been consistently against/opposed to gimmicks that created this mess; D.C. only offers more gimmicks to (allegedly fix) avoid this mess.
7. Tea Partiers aren’t the only ones saying a debt hike without spending cuts is a waste; S&P gave warnings such a deal would be a travesty.
8. Tea Partiers aren’t crazy for saying it’s time to stop the nonsense; those who call them crazy make no sense.
9. Tea Partiers resisting businesses as usual aren’t the problem right now; self-serving politicians still practicing business as usual are.
10. Tea Partiers demanding accountability isn’t the stuff that brought us to the brink; Washington’s failure to be accountable has us at the brink.
“So, let me be clear before we bag Tea Partiers, we need to focus first on who’s really the one’s to blame (Neil Cavuto).”
I want to add, we the people of the United States are not terrorists either. Shame on those that suggest such ____.