Last Saturday at market Sept. 3
Published 5:57 pm Thursday, August 25, 2011

Daily Star photo/JESSICA SIEFF Plenty of shoppers were ready to check out the fresh produce, baked goods, arts, crafts and services at the Niles Bensidoun French Market on Thursday.
Just a few minutes into its opening Thursday morning, there were plenty of interested shoppers at the Niles Bensidoun French Market.
The market’s season is winding down, with the last Saturday of vendors scheduled for Sept. 3. After that, the market will run on Thursdays until Sept. 29, according to Niles Main Street executive director Lisa Croteau.
Turnout has been good, Croteau said, “with both vendors (and customers).
“We keep getting many people in and out,” she added. “We’re excited about next year.”
Asked if officials have ever considered taking the market year-around, Croteau said the subject has come up.
“If we had a space to do it in, we would do it year-round,” she said. “We are looking at options.”
Vendors and consumers alike have shown a considerable interest in taking part in the market experience.
“People ask where can I find you, what can I do?” Croteau said. “I think this has shown this is a destination business. I think it (keeping market open through the year) would work.”
For more information on the Niles Bensidoun French Market, find it on Facebook.