A rest well-deserved

Published 12:24 am Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Casper Grathwohl is a former lawyer who retired as a judge in 2005. (Photo submitted)

Casper Grathwohl has spent most of his life helping people change their lives.

Grathwohl is a 76-year-old former judge who, after many years of ruling over countless court cases, is now retired and enjoying life in Niles.

“I went to college at the University of Michigan. I became a judge in 1986 for 19 years,” he said.

Grathwol had another career that he was very successful in before he even thought about becoming a judge.

“I started out as a lawyer for 21 years,” he said. “But I always admired judges as a lawyer, because they were able to change people’s lives in ways that I could not. ”

Even though he was a judge for quite a long time, Grathwohl spent the majority of his career in another town.

“I spent most of the time as a judge in St. Joe, but I was a judge in Niles for only five years,” Grathwohl said.

Shortly after becoming a judge in Niles, Grathwohl made the decision to retire.

“I retired in 2005, because I was 70 years old,” he said. “Under the law in Michigan, it was the age that a judge had to retire.”

Grathwohl said that he had a favorite part of being a judge.

“The best part was working with juveniles, because they have a better ability to learn from their mistakes,” he said.

Grathwohl said although he loved his job, he had some cases that were difficult to rule.

“The worst part of my job was having to decide divorce and child custody cases,” he said.

He always tries not forget the lives he touched.

“I’m happy to be retired, but I still miss the people I worked with,” Grathwohl said.

Although he is retired, Grathwohl still find ways to keep himself busy.

“I’m very active in my church work, and I also enjoy spending time with my family,” he said.

He said he is living his best life now that he is retired.

“I don’t have the stress and pressure from work, and the best is I get to sleep in,” he said.

Grathwohl said he also tries to be there whenever his neighbors need him.

“Although I try to keep myself buy, I try not to be too busy to help my neighbors,” he said.