Anna chops her hair for ‘Locks’
Published 9:00 pm Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy birthday to the shorn Anna Dobberstein
Dowagiac Daily News
Anna Dobberstein celebrated her 7th birthday by lopping 10 inches off the long brown mane she has been growing since last September Wednesday afternoon at The Mane Attraction for Locks of Love.
Anna, daughter of Molly and Mark Dobberstein, is going into second grade at Davis Elementary School in Decatur.
“I had a student a couple of years ago who donated,” Molly said.
“When her hair got longer I asked her if she wanted to do that and she said yes. Her only requirement was that we wait until after her birthday party so people would recognize her.”
Anna had that friend party last week, but her birthday is actually today.
Anna’s younger sister, Abbey, awaited her turn in the chair June 16 – but just for a trim.
The West Palm Beach, Fla., charity provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under the age of 18 with medical hair loss.
It takes six to 10 donated ponytails to make one hairpiece.