Katie Haneberg

Published 11:14 am Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Katie Haneberg

Katie Haneberg

Favorite movies: “chick flicks,” such as “Catch and Release” or “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” “Peter Pan” is her favorite Disney movie.
Favorite TV show: “I hardly ever watch TV,” although she and her grandmother enjoy “Dr. Oz”
Recommended reading: “Right now I’m reading ‘Ninety Minutes in Heaven,’ which is about a guy who dies for 90 minutes, then wakes up. It’s a page-turner.”
If she went to the moon: “I’d take popcorn so it could float. And toothpaste,” to see what it would do without gravity
Dream destination: Europe. “That’s why I can’t wait for Italy. I want to travel the world.”
If I had $1 million: “Buy my mom a house or log cabin in the mountains. I love New York. I think when I’m younger I want to live in a city. When I start having a family, I want to live in the country, close to a town. Not as far out of town as I am.”
Favorite meal: blueberry pancakes. “I try” to cook. “I’m learning. I like to bake with my Nana. (Saturday) I was so excited for the pageant, I woke up at 7:30 and couldn’t fall back to sleep. I laid in bed for an hour, then went and made blueberry pancakes.”
Masks: “One year (for Halloween) I was Phantom of the Opera, but I made up my own, with a blue top hat, a black cape and the mask. When I was little, I was always a vampire or a witch. One year I was a hippie. Britnee (Allerton) and I went trick-or-treating sophomore year as dead hobos.”
Pet peeves: “I hate it when the toilet paper roll is empty, and they leave the empty one on and set the new roll on top. That drives me absolutely up the wall. My other one is when girls wear spaghetti straps and their bra straps are showing. But toilet paper is definitely my biggest pet peeve.”
Best advice anyone gave me: Miss Congeniality Marissa Tidey’s platform, which says, “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
One thing I would change about myself: “I was preparing myself for this question in case they asked me on stage. I’m kind of a pushover who tends to avoid conflict because I don’t want to make a mountain out of an anthill. I constantly worry about other people, like if someone’s mad at me, I have to figure it out. I worry too much.”