Indiana association recognizes Nelsons of Cassopolis and their BOLT

Published 10:51 pm Wednesday, December 17, 2008

By Staff
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – The Indiana chapter of APSE (Association for Persons in Supported Employment) presented their Employer of the Year Award to BOLT Document Management of Elkhart, Ind., Thursday at their annual awards luncheon.
The award is in recognition of the employment opportunities BOLT has provided for persons with physical disabilities.
and Cathy Nelson, residents of Cassopolis,are the owner-operators of BOLT.
BOLT was nominated for the award by Eden Gildea of AWS – the local agency responsible for placing and supporting several employees at BOLT in recent years.
In nominating BOLT, Eden alluded to the Nelson's willingness to accommodate the special requirements of their employees and for working to create positions designed around individuals' strengths and weaknesses.
Letters from several BOLT employees to the nominating committee were also instrumental in the selection process.
In receiving their award. the Nelsons credited both the employees themselves as well as a strong working relationship with AWS as being instrumental in their success.
According to Jeff Nelson, "AWS has worked very hard on behalf of their clients to help us identify, define and create opportunities for individuals within our organization.
"Both Eden and Angie (also of AWS) have worked hard with us to make these things happen. They have also been flexible and willing to think outside the box. The employees themselves are very reliable, dedicated and hard workers. We have the distinct and continued pleasure of having them as a part of our business family and we are very proud of their accomplishments."
BOLT Document Management provides document processing and scanning services as well as providing digital document imaging and content management systems to clients of all types and sizes.
Jeff and Cathy invite anyone interested in learning more about the benefits and rewards of employing people with special needs to contact AWS, APSE or call them personally at BOLT.
For more information contact APSE at or (574) 522-6595.