Showing the true meaning

Published 5:54 pm Thursday, December 20, 2007

By Staff
To the editor:
Friday night, my husband and I decided to battle the crowds and eat at the Golden Nugget restaurant. Around 8 p.m., the strain was beginning to show. The restaurant was filled to capacity, with others waiting to be seated.
The waitresses were bustling, people were getting impatient – your typical Friday night near Christmas.
Then something very untypical happened. A man with dozens of long stem roses in various colors asked a young teenage girl to pick a rose. Her face beamed as she chose her favorite. He approached our table and I began to protest, but he explained, "the cowboy in the bar" had bought the entire container and asked they be passed out to the ladies in the restaurant.
I chose a beautiful yellow rose. I went to the bar to thank him but he had "rode off into the sunset."
I don't know if this was a random act of kindness or of Christmas cheer, but I'm sorry he missed the thank yous, the looks of surprise and the resulting smiles spreading throughout the crowded restaurant.
But then, I guess that's the true meaning of Christmas – doing, but not expecting anything in return.