Heat wave can mean danger

Published 6:25 pm Wednesday, August 1, 2007

By Staff
The recent heat wave is tolerable to most of us but our senior population could be susceptible to additional health problems if they don't take precautions.
Older people are often not as aware of the heat, sometimes due to their various medications.
Instructions should be checked to see if being in the sun is discouraged.
Heatstroke and heat exhaustion can be prevented if caution is used.
When the temperatures soar it is a good time to put off some chores, especially out of doors.
Weeding in the garden should be done in the early morning or early evening after the temperatures have dropped.
While indoors, close your shades to keep out the sun during the hottest part of the day.
Keep to the lowest level of your home if you do not have air conditioning.
Be sure to wear light-colored loose-fitting clothes.
Don't wait to be thirsty to drink water.
This will keep you cool and help so you don't get dehydrated.
Plan meals which don't heat up the house with high oven temperatures.
When you do venture out, wear sunglasses, cover your head and use sunscreen.
We can all help keep the older generation safe by checking in with our elderly neighbors who live alone and make sure the heat isn't taking its toll.