The Human Race 2006 set for June 17 at Fernwood

Published 11:22 am Saturday, May 13, 2006

By Staff
NILES - In a fresh approach to fundraising, The Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan is again planning a project that not only serves as a fundraiser for its own organization, but also provides a venue for other nonprofits to develop funds through the same project.
The Human Race 2006 is a 10K, a 5K race, a 5K walk and a one mile barrier-free Funwalk scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 17th , 2006 at Fernwood Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve. The event serves a number of purposes:
First, it is a fundraiser for the Volunteer Center.
Second, it offers supporters of local not-for-profits, school and worship communities the opportunity to collect contributions and to participate in one of the four parts of the event. Ninety percent of those funds are retained by the not-for-profit in whose name the runner is participating, with 10 percent going to the Volunteer Center to help cover costs.
And third, it allows non-profits of all sizes to "piggyback" on an event that would, otherwise, be labor-intensive and a duplication of effort to attempt alone.
According to Board President, Rich Remus, “The beauty of this event is that everyone has a chance to fund raise without the additional pressure of administering an entire event. This is the fourth year we have attempted such a project, and we hope that, with the support of the other nonprofits and the community, we will be able to realize profits for everyone involved. And the added bonus is that many not-for-profits can work together to make this a success. As we say at the Volunteer Center, we're stronger together than we are apart.”
The Human Race 2006 registration brochures are available by calling the Volunteer Center at 269-983.0912 in St. Joseph or 269-683-5464 in Niles, or by visiting the organization's website at for a printable copy of the brochure's registration form and contribution form.
Participants pay $18 to register for the race ($15 for youth under 18) and that includes an “I Joined The Human Race” T-shirt and admission to Fernwood. They also can collect contributions from those who support their participation in the race, with all checks to be made out to “The Human Race.” Should individuals choose not to collect contributions, they are welcome to run in the race for the exercise benefit alone.
The Volunteer Center, a United Way partner, mobilizes people and resources to deliver creative solutions to community problems. Questions about the race can be answered by Volunteer Center staff at 269-683-5464 in Niles or 269-983-0912 in St.